Being true to yourself means following your intuition. That little voice inside your heart that knows exactly what is right for you all the time. You need not look further or outside yourself. You already know what is exactly right for you in any given moment. The trouble is when we look externally for that guidance. I am not saying that external feedback is not valuable. It can be a wonderful measuring stick to see whether you are on course or off course with what you are doing. What I am pointing to is the fact that you know what is right for you, what feels “right” to you. What is meaningful and purposeful in your heart. No need to look outside to find this.
Trust in this inner guidance system, your intuition, and everything will unfold perfectly and beautifully in your life. We all have unique gifts to offer the world and we are all here to support each other. When we follow our heart, our intuition, our purpose, or whatever you want to call it we connect with a sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment that cannot be measured. This is the very thing we have been searching for in everything we desire in our lives.
How do I know that I am on the right track or in touch with my intuition?
What are you values? What guides you in this world? Meaning, what feels right to you? When your attitude and actions towards others and yourself are congruent with your core values and beliefs you are on the right track. Ask yourself, what are my core values? What are these guiding principles that I feel joy when I live by? Once you are in touch with this it can open you to more of your intuitive nature and purpose in life. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself, if you do you will find that you have the answers you have been looking for all along.
Start today in small ways to begin living your life in alignment with these values and watch what happens. How can you use your unique talents and abilities to help others? This is where it really gets good.
We are symbiotic creatures, meaning we are all reliant on one another in one way, shape, or form. Can you see how that is true in your life? If not, take a look and see if there is anything in your life that would really be possible without the help, direct or indirect, of someone or something else. You wouldn’t even be here without your parents and the same goes for them and their parents. You wouldn’t be reading this without and connection to the internet and I wouldn’t have typed this without a computer or pen and paper. You wouldn’t have got the job you have without being hired by someone or even have a business without clients or customers. The food you eat wouldn’t be possible without someone growing, cultivating, and harvesting it. And that wouldn’t be possible without sunshine, water, nutrients, and the seed that was planted in the soil. So, take a minute to dwell in what makes all of this possible. This invisible force that gives life to everything. Be grateful that you have been given the opportunity to be alive today and have the gifts you have. We are here for a reason. The more you live your life in alignment with that reason, based on your gifts, the more joy and fulfillment you will experience in your life. And isn’t that what we are all looking for anyway? To be happy and live a life of meaning. I think so. I hope you take this to heart and live your life purposefully and intentionally, making the most of what you have been given. Have a wonderful day!